Mar 9, 2008

Just a quick note

I'm not really into previews, but Wizards is allowing us to check out a "booster pack" (15 cards) from the upcoming expansion set Shadowmoor. For those who were turned off by the happy, fairytale art of Lorwyn and Morningtide, you will be happier with these.

Shadowmoor has been described as a dark reflection of the plane of Lorwyn, and even the white and green creatures are, frankly, a little creepy. Ballynock Cohort has to be the most disturbing hobbit I've ever seen.

Now, the rules texts are blank, but the art, names, and mana costs have been revealed, and I'm facinated to see that the dual-color mana costs from Ravnica block have returned.

[Edit: If you position your cursor over the last card, you CAN read its text. Maybe more cards will be revealed as the release approaches.]

Check it all out here.

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